Phplive* is a powerful chat application that allows you to have real-time chat communication with the customers and visitors of your site. PHPlive is PHP/MySQL based and is a highly customizable application that provides a rich set of features. FastWebHost uses Phplive chat application for communication with our customers. FastWebHost hosting offers hosting services for phpLive users. We provide installation* of phpLive on your website.
PHPLive Features

Phplive have a lot of features, offering to its users, some of them are:
- Real-time chat and support;
- Multiple chat requests at a time;
- Creating different departments;
- Tracking and collecting information for visitors;
- Saving the chat transcripts;
- Rating the customer service;
- Supporting your own chat logos;
- Tracking of the referred urls;
- Multiple language support;
- Knowledge Base (FAQ) Integration;
PHPLive Tutorial includes:
- PHPLive Installation : Here you will find detailed step by step instructions how to install PHPLive for your website.
- PHPLive – Departments : The basics of creating a new department for your needs in PHPLive.
- PHPLive – Operators : In this section of the tutorial it is explained how to create new operators or edit existing ones in PHPLive.
- PHPLive Themes : Here you will find instructions how to change the theme for your PHPLive installation.
* Please note that PHP Live! is not freely distributed. FastWebHost hosting offers installation of phpLive software only if you have a licence for using PHP Live!.