How can you Easily Secure Your WordPress Login Page?
A secure WordPress login page means fewer issues with hackers. If you want to secure your login page, there are certain things you can do to ensure the security of your login page. Here are just a few of the many things you can do.
Use a Strange Username and a Strong Password
The first way you can make your login page far more secure is by using the right password and username. Don't choose something common, as it will easily be guessed by hackers and their sophisticated programs. Some of the most common passwords include:
These and other things, such as birth dates, last names, boyfriend/girlfriend names, pet name and other common thing are a hacker's dream. Don't make your password something common.
WordPress has a password generator that will give you a strong password, if you cannot come up with one on your own. The best password uses both lower and uppercase letters, symbols and numbers. It also doesn't fully spell out words.
The username should also be something hard to guess. Don't use the common "admin" username or even just your first name. Instead, you want to choose something unique and make it a combination of letters and numbers.
Use the Login Lockdown Plugin
The Login Lockdown Plugin ( allows you to limit the number of times somebody can attempt to login from the same IP address. Hackers often will try hundreds of times before they get in, but this plugin will lock them out before they hack into your website.
This is a very powerful way to eliminate the issue of hackers and you can customize the settings to fit your specific needs. If you want great protection for your WordPress login page, this is a must-have free plugin.
Hide your Login Page Altogether
Another great way to keep hackers out and protect your login page is by hiding the page altogether. This can be done with a plugin that will allow you to locate your login age on a different URL to keep hackers out. It will also do the same things for your wp-Admin page.
You can use the WPS Hide Login ( plugin and the Protect Your Admin ( plugin to provide you with great security for your login page.
Use Two Factor Authentication
The Google Authenticator is a great way to ensure you keep your page secure. When you add this feature to your WordPress website, it will generate a QR code, which needs to be scanned with a mobile device. Then, you have to enter a secret code manually, which keeps your site very secure.
Use SSL or Secure Socket Layer
Adding SSL to your website will allow you to keep information from becoming intercepted. This protects you from having even the strongest password stolen by a hacker.
SSL can easily be added to your WordPress website with the Really Simple SSL ( plugin and an SSL certificate. You can get an SSL certificate from your hosting company and you only need a basic shared hosting plan to purchase one.
There are several ways to secure your WordPress login page. You don't need every one of the tips above, but if you use a couple of them, you will be very secure and strong against a possible hacker attack.